Recently Asked Question


ちなみにNimis Spark死亡確認。

When using the new Triggerbots from the Saboteur ascendancy, what specific aspects of triggered skills are moved to the triggerbot’s locations?

This is doing the same thing as Arcanist Brand, which is overriding the location the triggered spell thinks it was cast from.

Anything that happens at the location the skill was cast from, will happen at the location of the bots instead.

It does not change where the skill is targeted at, only where it originates from.

It does not change anything which adds an ongoing effect to the caster, such Blade Vortex or the Aegis skills, because that’s not using the location they were cast from, that’s using the object which has the triggered skill.

Q. トリガースキルがtriggerbotの場所にいくのってどういう事?
A. botのいる場所でスキルが発動する。Arcanist brandと同じ。
Blade votexなんかは場所じゃなくてオブジェクトで発動だから無理。

Do Triggerbots relocate the ability or do the Triggerbots count as the ones dealing damage? For example, if I use Triggerbots to Trigger a Cast on Crit setup with a spell, will my spell leech apply to me?

Triggerbots don’t count as dealing damage. The origin point of the Trigger changes to the Triggerbots. So in this case, Spell Leech still applies to the player.


Do uniques that are commonly used for a purpose that doesn’t match their base type (eg a caster themed unique such as The Whispering Ice, which has a Warstaff base) have special weightings for Crucible passive trees?

We have tagged uniques as being caster themed or minion themed. So things like Cospri’s Malice or Whispering Ice can roll caster skills or things like Chober Chaber or United in Dream can roll minion skills

Q.whispering iceとかはスタッフだけどキャスターなんだ。クルーシブルパッシブどーすんの?
A.ユニークにタグつけてるから大丈夫。Cospli’s maliceとかもキャスターrollできる。

Will you consider adding a Crucible specific equipment slot (like for Sanctum relics) so that players don’t have to potentially sacrifice levelling gems in their weapon swap?

To address this feedback, we’re planning to make it so that the leftmost identified weapon in your inventory will also be selectable in Crucible encounters.


How does Necromantic Aegis/Animate Weapon/Animate Guardian work with Crucible Passive Trees?

Most Crucible Passives should work with these, however, Crucible Passives that allocate notables will not work because minions don’t have regular passive trees.


What is considered a chest for the new Caster Mastery that grants a chance to open a chest?

Interactable objects in the game would which can be opened by clicking on them, damaging them, or either, which drop items. This includes crates, jars, etc.

Chests locked by specific game mechanics can’t be opened until unlocked.


Will Nimis projectiles return even if they hit nothing?

In most cases, yes. A projectile which flies out uninterrupted to the maximum projectile range will return instead of just stopping there. But returning, like piercing/chaining/etc, does not extend how long a projectile can exist. If a projectile lasts for an explicit duration like Spark, or fades out over a fixed time like Freezing Pulse, it stops existing after that and can’t then return.


Does the new Elemental Mastery that has a 25% chance to invert enemy resistances work with traps?





  1. ニミスパやろうとしてたのに後から新情報出すの酷い

  2. インベントリの一番左てw

  3. >>1

  4. sparkってnimis来る前からくそ強くなかったっけ思ったけど、そういえばスピード下がるナーフ食らってたわ


  6. selectableだから選択されるというより、装備中の武器orインベントリの一番左にある鑑定済み武器かで選択できるよっていう意味のほうが正しそう

  7. ワイトも待ってます(便乗)

  8. >>6

  9. >>5