- パッチノート
- Affliction
- New Content and Features
- Ultimatum Changes
- Metamorph Changes
- Other League Changes
- Atlas Changes
- Transfigured Gems
- Skill Gem Changes (Vaal, Support)
- Miscellaneous Gem Changes
- Ascendancy Changes
- Atlas Passive Tree Changes
- Unique Balance
- Item Balance
- Kirac League Mods Available During 3.23.0
- User Interface Changes
- Bug Fixes
- 感想
New Content and Features
Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.
Ultimatum Changes
Ultimatum has been added to the core game, replacing Metamorph. You will have approximately an 8% chance to find the Trialmaster and his Trials of Chaos in Maps.
Ultimatum Encounters are now 10 rounds by default, though I sincerely hope you intend to last longer than 2 rounds.
You now have a chance to be teleported to The Trialmaster’s Arena for the 10th round in areas with a level of 81 or higher, rather than this being guaranteed.
レベル81以上のエリアでは、10ラウンド目に「The Trialmaster’s Arena」にテレポートされるチャンスがあります。
Ultimatum modifiers have been rebalanced, some new modifiers have been added and some previous modifiers have been removed.
Ultimatum modifiers that previously had 3 tiers of difficulty, such as Stormcaller Runes, now have 4 tiers of difficulty.
今までUlti modは3段階だったが、今回からは4段階の難易度になる。
Monsters in Ultimatum Encounters no longer drop loot, other than The Trialmaster, though they still grant experience.
Added a new Tainted Catalyst that can be obtained from the Trialmaster. It applies a random quality type and amount of quality to a Corrupted Ring, Amulet or Belt, and replaces other quality types.
Tainted Catalystの追加。CorruptアクセにランダムなQと効果を追加する。
Catalysts are now rewards from Ultimatum, and are affected by Map Item Quantity.
Vaal Aspects, previously known as Ultimatum Aspects, combine into a new Unique Jewel instead of the The Tower of Ordeals Map.
Vaal Aspectは新ジュエルの一部になった。
The Tower of Ordeals Unique Engraved Ultimatum Map can no longer be opened in a Map Device.
Tower of Ordealsのmapはmap deviceで開けなくなった。
You can once again vendor 5 Inscribed Ultimatums for a new Inscribed Ultimatum.
Inscribed Ulti 5つで新しいの1個に変換可能。
Kirac can now offer Map Missions to complete an Ultimatum, replacing Missions for constructing and slaying a Metamorph.
Mysterious Incubators can no longer drop Catalysts.
Mysterious IncubatorsがCatalystを落とさなくなった。
Expedition Remnant modifiers in Expedition sites that grant Runic Monsters and Chests a chance to drop Catalysts have been replaced with modifiers that drop Heist Contracts instead.
Expeditionの報酬のCatalystドロップはHeist Contract(ハイスト契約書)に置き換わった。
Reduced the amount of Catalysts obtained from Heist Chests, Expedition Chests, Betrayal Chests, and Vaal Unique Strongboxes, as well as the amount of Catalysts offered by Tujen.
Metamorph Scarabs have been replaced with Ultimatum Scarabs. Each Scarab guarantees an Ultimatum encounter in an Area, with higher-tier Scarbs granting increased Experience from Ultimatum Monsters, or causing Ultimatum Encounters to grant additional rewards as though you completed additional rounds. Existing Metamorph Scarabs will be converted to Ultimatum Scarabs.
Ulti scarabがMetamon scarabに取って代わる。
Shepherd of Souls, granted by the Yaomac’s Accord Unique Sceptre, no longer causes other Vaal Skills to gain 50% of the consumed Souls when you use a Vaal Skill, and no longer causes Non-Vaal Skills to deal 30% less Damage. Instead, it now causes Vaal Non-Aura Skills to have 80% less Soul Cost, and Vaal Non-Aura Skills to have 100% increased Soul Cost per Vaal Skill used in the past 8 seconds.
Yaomac’s Accord Unique Sceptreによって付与されるShepherd of Soulsは、Vaal Skillを使用した際に他のVaal Skillが消費したSoulの50%を得ることはなくなり、Vaal以外のSkillが与えるダメージが30%減少することもなくなった。また、Vaal以外のスキルのダメージが30%減少することもなくなる。その代わりに、Vaal以外のスキルのソウルコストが80%減少し、Vaal以外のスキルは過去8秒間に使用したVaalスキル1つにつきソウルコストが100%増加する。
The Metamorph Stash Tab has been converted to an Ultimatum Stash Tab, which can hold 5000 of each type of Catalyst and 60 Inscribed Ultimatums.The Metamorph Stash Tab Affinity has been replaced with Ultimatum.
Metamorph Stash TabがUltimatum Stash Tabに変更され、各タイプのCatalystを5000、Inscribed Ultimatumを60枚収納できるようになった。
Metamorph Stash Tab AffinityはUltimatumに変更された。
他、Atlas Passiveの変更の説明。
Metamorph Changes
Other League Changes
- Reduced the drop rate of Forbidden Tomes.
- Reduced the drop rate of The Hour of Divinity and The Gilded Chalice Unique Relics.
Sanctumの入場券であるForbidden Tomesのドロップレート減少。
Hour of DivinityとGilded ChaliceのRelicのドロップレート減少。
Atlas Changes
The following Maps have been added back to the Atlas: Ancient City, Arid Lake, Ashen Wood, Bramble Valley, Burial Chambers, Canyon, Conservatory, Core, Crater, Crimson Township, Crystal Ore, Desert, Dig, Dry Sea, Fields, Foundry, Gardens, Ghetto, Grotto, Jungle Valley, Laboratory, Overgrown Ruin, Park, Plaza, Ramparts, Relic Chambers, Sepulchre, Spider Lair, and Waste Pool.
The following Maps have been removed from the Atlas: Alleyways, Arachnid Tomb, Barrows, Beach, Cells, Cold River, Courthouse, Dungeon, Excavation, Factory, Fungal Hollow, Geode, Graveyard, Haunted Mansion, Lava Lake, Leyline, Malformation, Mausoleum, Pen, Phantasmagoria, Pit, Primordial Blocks, Primordial Pool, Silo, Sulphur Vents, Sunken City, Terrace, Tower, and Waterways
Transfigured Gems
今までのlab, Alt Q, 閾値ジェムの全てを統合してTransfigured gemとした。
labの奥にあるdivine fontは、スキルジェムやサポートジェムを変身ジェムに変更したり、ジェムにクオリティや経験値を追加したり、ジェムを犠牲にして宝箱のキーを1つ以上手に入れたりできるジェムクラフト装置となった。
The vendor recipe for turning a Level 20 Gem into a 20% Quality Level 1 version of that Gem no longer works with Skill Gems, as the benefit Quality provides to damage dealing Skills is now more powerful. The vendor recipe can now only be used with non-Awakened Support Gems.
Anomalous, Divergent and Phantasmal Quality Gems have been removed from the game. Existing alternate Quality Gems now have the base Quality effect found on the respective Gem.
Prime and Secondary Regrading Lenses can no longer be obtained. Existing items will be deleted upon logging in.
Labyrinth rewards can no longer be obtained from other league content.
Grand Spectrum Unique Jewels no longer drop from Izaro’s Treasure Chests at the end of the Labyrinth. They can now drop from Labyrinth Troves and Emperor’s Vaults found throughout Merciless and Eternal Labyrinths.
イザロの宝箱から、グランドスペクトルのユニークジュエルがドロップしなくなりました。MercilessとEternal labにある宝箱と皇帝の金庫からドロップするようになった。
Tora’s Betrayal Fortification Safehouse rewards are now chests of Quality Gems, and her Transportation reward is now a Trapped Stash of Gems.
Vorici’s Betrayal Transportation Safehouse rewards now Reforge the colours of, number of, or links between sockets on an item 50 times, using the outcome with the greatest number of less-common socket colours, sockets, or linked sockets respectively.
ToraのFの報酬がQuality gemのチェストになり、Tの報酬がgemを選ぶ箱になった。
In order to replace the rewards in Heist that previously gave alternate quality gems, we have done a rebalance of the rewards of Heist as well.
Grand Heist Rewards no longer differ based on type of Blueprint Area.
The Rewards from Chests in Grand Heists, Jobs required, and required Job Level are still influenced by Blueprint Area.
The Thief’s Trinket Slot is now unlocked when you first pick up a Thief’s Trinket on that character, rather than in Underbelly or Smuggler’s Den Blueprints.
Thief’s Trinket Slotは、UnderbellyやSmuggler’s Den Blueprintsの中ではなく、そのキャラクターでThief’s Trinketを初めて拾ったときにアンロックされるようになった。
Some of the more common but very low value Currencies are no longer offered as rewards at the end of Grand Heists.
Increased the stack size of Currency offered as rewards at the end of Grand Heists.
Grand Heistsの最後に報酬として提供されるCurrencyのスタックサイズを増やした。
The Endless Misery, Soul’s Wick and Spirit Guard’s Unique Jewels can no longer be obtained, as benefits these provided are now found on Transfigured Skill Gems. The vendor recipes for Dead Reckoning, Spirit Guards and Endless Misery have also been removed.
Endless Misery、Soul’s Wick、Spirit Guard’s Unique Jewelが入手できなくなりました。Dead Reckoning、Spirit Guards、Endless Miseryのベンダーレシピも削除された。
The Anima Stone Unique Jewel no longer has “+1 to maximum number of Summoned Golems”, though existing versions of this item are unaffected by this change. Golem builds should now be less dependent on this Jewel to be effective, and instead have Transfigured Skill Gems available that serve a similar purpose.
代わりに似たような役割を果たすTransfigured Skill Gemsが利用できるようになる。
The Dead Reckoning Unique Jewel no longer has “Minions have +7-10% to all Elemental Resistances” or “With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, Summon Skeletons can Summon up to 15 Skeleton Mages.” It now causes Skeletons to gain Added Chaos Damage equal to 20-30% of Maximum Energy Shield on your Equipped Shield. This change only affects new versions of this item.
Many Experimented Base Types and some Replica Uniques have also received changes, these can be found in the Item Balance and Unique Balance sections respectively.
While Transfigured Gems are not detailed here, changes made to base Skill Gems as a result of Transfigured Gems being added are detailed below.
Dead Reckoning Unique Jewelの “Minions have +7-10% to all Elemental Resistances “や “Radius以下略 “がなくなった。これによりSkeletonsは装備しているシールドの最大エネルギーシールドの20~30%に等しい追加カオスダメージを得るようになる。この変更はこのアイテムの新しいバージョンにのみ影響する。
多くのExperimented Base TypeといくつかのReplica Uniquesも変更を受け、これらはそれぞれアイテム・バランスとユニーク・バランスのセクションで見ることができる。
Simplex Amulet: Now has -2 Prefix Modifiers allowed (previously -1) and 100% increased Explicit Modifier magnitudes (previously 25%).
Simplex Amulet: -2 Prefix, -1 Suffixとなり、modの効果が2倍になる。(例:+1 all skill gemがあれば、+2 all skill gemになる)
Skill Gem Changes (Vaal, Support)
Miscellaneous Gem Changes
Ascendancy Changes
The Hinekora, Death’s Fury Chieftain Ascendancy Passive Skill now causes Enemies you or your Totems Kill to have a 5% chance to Explode, dealing 500% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage (previously just Enemies you Kill).
Atlas Passive Tree Changes
With the Speaker of the Dead Keystone Atlas Passive, Players can now Touch up to 20 nearby normal or magic Monsters for each Tormented Spirit Possessing them (previously 50).
Speaker of the Dead Keystone Atlasのパッシブで、プレイヤーはTormented Spiritが1体憑依するごとに、近くの通常または魔法のモンスターに20体まで触れることができるようになりました(以前は50体)。
With the Destructive Play Atlas Keystone allocated, killing the Map boss before The Maven can cast Up The Stakes no longer causes her to leave without summoning additional bosses.
Destructive Play Atlas Keystoneの割り当てで、The MavenがUp The Stakesを唱える前にマップのボスを倒しても、追加のボスを召喚することなく退場しなくなりました。
Unique Balance
The Ashes of the Stars Unique Amulet no longer provides 10-20% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills. Existing items can be updated with a Divine Orb and a momentary lapse in judgement.
Ashes of the Stars Unique AmuletはスキルのReservation Efficiencyを10~20%上昇させる効果がなくなりました。
The Heatshiver Unique Helmet now has “Gain 30% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage against Frozen Enemies” (previously 100%). Existing items can be made worse with a Divine Orb.
The Replica Dragonfang’s Flight Unique Amulet now provides +5-10% to all Elemental Resistances (previously +10-15%), 5-10% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills (previously 10-15%), and causes Items and Gems to have 5-10% reduced Attribute Requirements (previously 10-15%). Existing items can be updated to the new values with a Divine Orb, but why on Wraeclast would you do that?
The Kaom’s Spirit Unique Gloves now have “Regenerate 1 Rage per second for every 300 Life Recovery per second from Regeneration” (previously for every 100 Life Recovery). Existing items can be made worse with a Divine Orb.
kaom’s Spiritは100lifeに1rageが300Lifeに1rageとなった。
The Fire Damage taken per Second while Flame-Touched on the Annihilation’s Approach Unique Boots was a bit too high for a Unique obtained through killing an Uber Pinnacle Boss. As such, we have updated these Boots to have “Take 6000 Fire Damage per Second while Flame-Touched” (previously 10000). A Divine Orb can be used on existing items to obtain this new value.
“Flame-Touched中に6000 Fire Damage per Second”(以前は10000)に更新した。
The Ralakesh’s Impatience Unique Boots no longer has “Lose all Frenzy, Endurance, and Power Charges when you Move”, or causes your Minimum Endurance, Frenzy or Power Charges to be equal to Maximum while stationary. It now has “Count as having maximum number of Endurance Charges”, “Count as having maximum number of Frenzy Charges”, and “Count as having maximum number of Power Charges.” This change affects existing items.
The Ralakesh’s Impatienceは”Endurance Chargesは最大数としてカウントする”、”Frenzy Chargesは最大数としてカウントする”、”Power Chargesは最大数としてカウントする “となった。
Item Balance
Hinekora’s Lock can no longer foresee the result of corrupting an item at the Altar of Corruption.
altar of Corruptionでの結果をヒネコラで見れなくなった。
Kirac League Mods Available During 3.23.0
- Fortune Favours the Brave (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): One of these options will be applied at random, including those you have not yet unlocked.
- Torment (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): Area is haunted by 2 additional Tormented Spirits.
- Anarchy (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Area is inhabited by 3 additional Rogue Exiles.
- Ambush (costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Area contains 4 additional Strongboxes.
- Beyond (costs 5 Chaos Orbs): Slaying Enemies close together can attract monsters from Beyond this realm.
- Blight (costs 6 Chaos Orbs): Area contains a Blight Encounter.
- Expedition (costs 8 Chaos Orbs): Area contains an Expedition Encounter.
- Ultimatum (costs 10 Chaos Orbs): Area contains an Ultimatum Encounter.
User Interface Changes
- Hovering the create button on the character selection window now displays how many of your character slots are currently in use.
- You can now shift-click on faded items in your main inventory to remove them from the trade and sell windows.
- You can now shift-click currency items in your main inventory to only sell or trade a partial stack.
- Pressing Ctrl + Click on NPCs in the Campaign that you can sell items to now brings up the sell items interface.
- Pressing Ctrl + Click on Siosa now brings up the purchase items interface.
- Pressing Ctrl + Click on Tasuni now brings up the trade Divination Cards interface.
- Improved the highlighting of Basic Jewel Sockets when they are searched on the Passive Skill Tree.
- Added a close button to the Betrayal Investigation Board.
Ctrl + Clickでsell itemがすぐできるように。
Bug Fixes
Fixed some incorrect behaviour with the spacing of Spell Cascade with Curse skills that was inadvertently fixed in 3.22.0 before being reinstated temporarily in 3.22.0b.
CurseをSpell Cascadeで使うと挙動がおかしかったのを修正。
Fixed a bug where Projectiles from Skills supported by Returning Projectiles were only dealing less Damage with Hits while Returning. They now also deal less Damage with Ailments while Returning.
Returning ProjectileがAilmentにもless damageが適用されるように。
Fixed a bug where Arc was not able to chain back to targets it had previously hit. It still cannot chain to a target immediately after chaining from it.
BFBB cobla rash
DD Discharge
Divine ire
Explosive trap
exsang ice trap LA
LC pconc reap EK
盆者 splitting steel
Nerf Vortex RF WOC
LAお仕置きなし、むしろクリアリングが良くなったのもSplitting Steelがとんでもなく強くなりましたし

この記事書いてる時に2ptsでweta購入してフリーチェストから出てきたsandfish petとかいうやつ。
Gem Qが変更になった代わりにエンチャントメント全削除ってのは割とエンドゲームナーフに繋がる場合もあります。
例えばブーツエンチャがないとかですね。今まで頭エンチャやalt Qに頼ってたスキルは終わりですし。
こちらのgoogle スプシにdialla ashes enhanceを簡単にまとめてくれている方がいます。
Vaal 20/20のカードやGCPカードはファームしたいですね。
後はSimplex amulet。コメントでもありますがawakenedで20% quant + 20% mana reservを付けることができます。
また、+2gem のdot amuletも作ることができます。

armour modは変更点を適用させるためにしています。
なおこのamuletはalt craftできません。
1. dot modをchaosでつける(200c程度)
2. cannot roll attack modをつける
3. 欲しいジェムの種類をつける。例:physical+2欲しいならphysical 50:50です
4.その後でhunter ex slam

transfigured gemは楽しみだけどスターターは変わらないどころかcold dotが死んじゃったのか
他のメタ一部が消し炭になった一方で一番害悪なLAが残ってるのが謎なんですよね。kaom nerf程度で許されてしまった。
自分がやった事ないのもあって何故か弓で殴る人はTornado Shot一択ってイメージがあったんですけど、LAってnerfないのおかしいって言うぐらいそんなに強かったんですね。
メインで使うRFはHP+ESスケールが強い、サブで使う主にfire trapはgemlvlスケールが強いってところでどうしてもちぐはぐになってしまうので。
単体火力を捨ててRF単体で戦うなら別だしそもそもTransfigured Gem次第なとこはありますが・・
> ただ一番欲しかったのはFPSが前回のパッチで酷いことになってるので、その辺の文章が見当たらなかったのは残念かなと。
サウンド、アート、エフェクト、環境を段階的に改善し続けましたって一応パッチノートにありますね それで処理速度が良くなってるかは怪しいけど